This website is best viewed on a PC.AGH! WormsRoundwormsTapewormsWhipwormsHookwormsFor Flea and Tick preventative, we use Frontline Plus Flea and Tick drops for our dogs. Weight appropriate. It works excellent for us! We have never experienced any side effects with our dogs being on it, They are flea and tick free. ***No RX Required***Ticks
Seed TicksAdult Tick larvae are commonly referred to as seed ticks. Larvae hatch from the eggs laid by an adult female tick and are rarely seen unless in large groupings because they are so tiny, resembling poppy seeds with six legs. While the number of eggs deposited by females varies, often times eggs laid by one female at one time may number into the hundreds. Therefore, usually seed ticks on a dog equates to a very large number at one time, rather than just a few.
Link for Heartgard Plus preventative against Heartworms. Treats and controls 3 species of hookworms and 2 species of roundworms. Kills heartworms in the larvae stage. This requires a prescription approval from your Veterinarian.
Brucellosis - Brucellosis is a contagious disease caused by the bacterium Brucella canis. It is one of the leading causes of infertility in breeding stock. It occurs worldwide and affects all kinds of dogs, purebred and not, and it can also be transmitted from dogs to humans. Other animals that can also be affected with Brucellosis include livestock such as sheep, cattle, and goats, along with wildlife such as wild pigs, elk, and bison.
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